As seen in Pop Culture
Collecting Magazine
- Published April, 1997 -
Biggest Little Star
by Bill D. Morgan and Greg Davis
Most television shows rely heavily on their stars to entertain an
audience and keep viewers tuned in week after week. Sure, the lines given to the actors
can influence a show's success, but it's the appeal of the people on the small screen that
draws a crowd. There was one hit TV show, however, that used a different approach. Family
Affair had its share of talent, including television veterans Brian Keith and
Sebastian Cabot, two adorable co-stars in Johnny Whitaker and Anissa Jones, and the
attractive Cathy Garver. However, the biggest star of the show that kept young girls glued
to the set was an inanimate object a doll named Mrs. Beasley.
Mrs. Beasley was a large rag doll that belonged to Anissa Jones' character,
Buffy. Wearing a distinctively blue dress with white polka dots, black square-rimmed
glasses and sporting short blond hair, Mrs. Beasley was Buffy's inseparable best friend.
Although Mrs. Beasley never uttered a word, she became an instant star with youthful
viewers and was the driving force behind the marketing of toys related to the show. She
was nice, intelligent, a good listener, dependable and faithful all the things a
best friend should be. Little girls everywhere wanted a Mrs. Beasley doll of their own,
and toy giant Mattel quickly filled their requests.
In 1967 Mattel produced a 21-inch talking doll in a pink display
box. A color photo was attached, showing Buffy smiling as Mrs. Beasley whispers in her ear
just as she did on television. Mattel made it possible for young fans to finally
hear the comforting words imaginatively spoken by the show's unexpected star.
Unfortunately, the Mrs. Beasley doll has not held up well over the years. Most Mrs.
Beasley dolls today are found mute and without their glasses, which were easily lost. Even
dolls found in the original box can be non-functional due to the vulnerability of the
voice box mechanism. For many collectors, the mysterious words of Mrs. Beasley remain a
The enormous impact Mrs. Beasley had on
children almost 30 years ago is still evident as Family Affair collectors
participate in a never-ending quest to obtain the talking doll in a box. It is the
program's most desirable and valuable artifact. If found in the original box and still
working, she can fetch up to $500.
For the more enthusiastic collector, there are three additional
versions of Mrs. Beasley that can be found. One is Mattel's 10" talking Buffy with a
4" Mrs. Beasley. This version came with an added bonus. Maureen McCormick loaned her
voice to the pint-sized doll's voice box just before she took on the role of Marcia in The
Brady Bunch. The mini-doll is worth about $225 if found in the box in mint condition.
For those who think smaller is cuter, Mattel also produced a 6" non-talking, bendable
Buffy with a 3" Mrs. Beasley. It goes for about $150.
In 1973, two years after the series ended, Mattel was still making
America's favorite TV doll. This time she was a 14" non-talking rag doll, complete
with removable, fully-washable clothes. It is the least valuable of the Mrs. Beasley
dolls, fetching in the $50-$75 range. The best place to begin looking for an original Mrs.
Beasley would be a local collectible doll show.
Mattel was not the only toy company to capitalize on Mrs.
Beasley's popularity. Whitman Publishing Company transformed the lovable rag doll into a
paper figure on more than two dozen items. They included nine coloring books, seven paper
doll sets, a jigsaw puzzle, two sticker books, two hardbound books, a magic slate and a
boxed activity set. Whitman even designed an entire board game based on the polka-dotted
celebrity. Entitled Where's Mrs. Beasley? the game allows children to travel around
the board with Mr. French, searching for the card under which Mrs. Beasley is hidden. With
a little perseverance, the game can be found at an antique swap meet or toy show for
Other Family Affair collectibles include the 1969 lunch box
and thermos by King-Seeley Thermos. The illustration on the box shows Buffy and her older
sister, Cissy, celebrating Mrs. Beasley's birthday. A Halloween costume by Ben Cooper was
modeled after the series' second-biggest star, Buffy. But Mrs. Beasley steals the
spotlight by jumping out of a pumpkin on the front of the dress. Both items are in the
$100-$125 range. The Cartoon Kit by Colorforms features all of the characters on the box
top, with Mrs. Beasley in the foreground, held tightly in her owner's arms. A writing
tablet also was produced, again featuring Anissa Jones as Buffy, prominently displaying
her best friend. The cartoon kit and tablet can be found for about $40.
Whether she was talking or non-talking, just a rag doll or simply
made out of paper, Mrs. Beasley was every girl's best friend. She was one of the most
recognizable figures of the late 1960s, and quickly became Family Affair's biggest
little star. Most actors can only wish they had it so good.
From the publication Collecting Magazine
Greg Davis and Bill D. Morgan are the authors of
Collectors Guide to TV Toys and Memorabilia 2nd Edition
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